Howto Use TSaveDialog
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Simple guideline:
- Place the SaveDialog widget
on your form (anyplace, since it will be not visible).
(It is the second left dialog under Dialogs tab) - Add a memo
in the form.
- Add a button
in the form.
The Object Inspector will display the properties of the object Button1. Change a property named 'Caption', with the displayed value 'Button1' to 'Save'. Click on the Events tab on the Object Inspector. Select the box to the right of OnClick: a smaller box with three dots (... ellipsis) appears. Click on this, you are taken automatically into the Source Editor and your cursor will be placed in a piece of code starting. Completion code:
procedure TForm1.Button1Click( Sender: TObject );
if SaveDialog1.Execute then
Memo1.Lines.SaveToFile( SaveDialog1.Filename );
The Execute method displays the file save dialog. It returns true when user has selected a file, false when user has aborted.
The Filename property returns the full filename including drive and path.