macOS Audio Player
This article applies to macOS only.
See also: Multiplatform Programming Guide
The Apple AVFoundation framework combines four major technology areas: Playback and Editing, Media Capture, Audio and Speech Synthesis. Together these technologies encompass a wide range of tasks for capturing, processing, synthesising, controlling, importing and exporting audiovisual media on Apple platforms. The framework, available from macOS 10.7 (Lion), provides essential services for working with time-based audiovisual media.
- To play sound files, you can use AVAudioPlayer. Available from macOS 10.7 (Lion).
- To play video (or sound) files, you can use AVPlayer and AVPlayerLayer. Available from macOS 10.7 (Lion).
- To record audio, you can use AVAudioRecorder. Available from macOS 10.7 (Lion).
- To play MIDI or iMelody files, you can use AVMIDIPlayer. Available from macOS 10.10 (Yosemite).
Supported Audio File and Data Formats
Sound File Format | Sound Data Formats |
AAC (.aac, .adts) | 'aac ' |
AC3 (.ac3) | 'ac-3' |
AIFC (.aif, .aiff,.aifc) | BEI8, BEI16, BEI24, BEI32, BEF32, BEF64, 'ulaw', 'alaw', 'MAC3', 'MAC6', 'ima4' , 'QDMC', 'QDM2', 'Qclp', 'agsm' |
AIFF (.aiff) | BEI8, BEI16, BEI24, BEI32 |
Apple Core Audio Format (.caf) | '.mp3', 'MAC3', 'MAC6', 'QDM2', 'QDMC', 'Qclp', 'Qclq', 'aac ', 'agsm', 'alac', 'alaw', 'drms', 'dvi ', 'ima4', 'lpc ', BEI8, BEI16, BEI24, BEI32, BEF32, BEF64, LEI16, LEI24, LEI32, LEF32, LEF64, 'ms\x00\x02', 'ms\x00\x11', 'ms\x001', 'ms\x00U', 'ms \x00', 'samr', 'ulaw' |
MPEG Layer 3 (.mp3) | '.mp3' |
MPEG 4 Audio (.mp4) | 'aac ' |
MPEG 4 Audio (.m4a) | 'aac ', alac' |
NeXT/Sun Audio (.snd, .au) | BEI8, BEI16, BEI24, BEI32, BEF32, BEF64, 'ulaw' |
Sound Designer II (.sd2) | BEI8, BEI16, BEI24, BEI32 |
WAVE (.wav) | LEUI8, LEI16, LEI24, LEI32, LEF32, LEF64, 'ulaw', 'alaw' |
The AVAudioPlayer class lets you play sound in any audio format available in macOS from a file or memory. The properties of this class are used for managing information about a sound such as the playback point within the sound’s timeline and for accessing playback options such as volume and looping.
Using an audio player you can:
- Play sounds of any duration (unlike System Sound Services that has a 30 second limit);
- Play sounds from files or memory buffers;
- Play sounds when your application is in the background;
- Loop sounds (including indefinitely);
- Play multiple sounds simultaneously, one sound per audio player, with precise synchronisation;
- Control relative playback level, stereo positioning, and playback rate for each sound you are playing;
- Seek to a particular point in a sound file, which supports such application features as fast forward and rewind; and
- Obtain data you can use for playback-level metering.
Example Code
The example code below provides a demo audio player application which implements the basic requirements for such an application.

// Note: Lazarus IDE 2.2.0 and Free Pascal Compiler v3.2.2 used
unit unit1;
{$mode objfpc}{$H+}
{$modeswitch objectivec1}
{$linkframework AVFoundation}
Forms, // for Form
SysUtils, // for FloatToStr
StdCtrls, // for labels, buttons
CocoaAll, // for Cocoa types
ComCtrls, // for trackbar
ExtCtrls; // for timer
{ TForm1 }
AVAudioPlayerPtr = ^AVAudioPlayer;
AVAudioPlayerDelegateProtocolPtr = ^AVAudioPlayerDelegateProtocol;
AVAudioPlayerDelegateProtocol = ObjCProtocol;
AVAudioPlayer = objcclass external(NSObject)
_internal: id;
{Initializes and returns an audio player for playing a designated sound file.
url: a URL identifying the sound file to play. The audio data must be in a
format supported by Core Audio.
outError: If an error occurs, on return the NSError object describes the
error. Set to NULL to ignore errors.}
function initWithContentsOfURL_error (url: NSURL; outError: NSErrorPtr): id;
message 'initWithContentsOfURL:error:';
{Plays a sound asynchronously. Calling this method implicitly calls the
prepareToPlay() method if the audio player is not already prepared to play.}
function play: Boolean; message 'play';
{A value of 0.0 indicates silence; a value of 1.0 (the default) indicates
full volume for the audio player instance. Use this property to control an
audio player’s volume relative to other audio output.}
function volume: Single; message 'volume';
procedure setVolume(newValue: Single); message 'setVolume:';
{A value of 0, which is the default, means to play the sound once.
Set a positive integer value to specify the number of times to return
to the start and play again. For example, specifying a value of 1
results in a total of two plays of the sound. Set any negative
integer value to loop the sound indefinitely until you call the
stop() method.}
function numberOfLoops: Integer; message 'numberOfLoops';
procedure setNumberOfLoops(newValue: Integer); message 'setNumberOfLoops:';
{A Boolean value that indicates whether the audio player is playing (true)
or not (false).}
function isPlaying: Boolean; message 'isPlaying';
{Calling this method preloads buffers and acquires the audio hardware
needed for playback, which minimises the lag between calling the play()
method and the start of sound output.}
function prepareToPlay: Boolean; message 'prepareToPlay';
{Pauses playback; sound remains ready to resume playback from where
it left off. It does not release the audio hardware that was acquired
on calling play() or prepareToPlay().}
procedure pause; message 'pause';
{The stop method does not reset the value of the currentTime property to 0.
If you call stop during playback and then call play(), playback resumes
at the point where it left off. Callikng this method undoes the setup
performed on calling the play() or prepareToPlay() methods.}
procedure stop; message 'stop';
{The total duration, in seconds, of the sound associated with the audio
function duration: Double; message 'duration';
{If the sound is playing, currentTime is the offset of the current playback
position, measured in seconds from the start of the sound. If the sound is
not playing, currentTime is the offset of where playing starts upon calling
the play() method, measured in seconds from the start of the sound.
By setting this property you can seek to a specific point in a sound file or
implement audio fast-forward and rewind functions.}
function currentTime: Double; message 'currentTime';
procedure setCurrentTime(newValue: Double); message 'setCurrentTime:';
{To enable adjustable playback rate for an audio player, set this property
to true after you initialize the player and before you call the
prepareToPlay() instance method for the player.}
function enableRate: Boolean; message 'enableRate';
procedure setEnableRate(newValue:Boolean); message 'setEnableRate:';
{This property’s default value of 1.0 provides normal playback rate. The
available range is from 0.5 for half-speed playback through 2.0 for
double-speed playback.
To set an audio player’s playback rate, you must first enable rate
adjustment as described in the enableRate property description.}
function rate: Single; message 'rate';
procedure setRate(newValue: Single); message 'setRate:';
{The UID of the current audio player.}
function currentDevice: NSString; message 'currentDevice';
{Number of audio channels in the sound associated with the audio player.}
function numberOfChannels: Integer; message 'numberOfChannels';
{The default value for the meteringEnabled property is off (Boolean false).
Before using metering for an audio player, you need to enable it by
setting this property to true.}
function isMeteringEnabled: Boolean; message 'isMeteringEnabled';
procedure setMeteringEnabled(newValue:Boolean); message 'setMeteringEnabled:';
{To obtain current audio power values, you must call this method before
calling averagePowerForChannel or peakPowerForChannel}
procedure updateMeters; message 'updateMeters';
{Returns the average power for a given channel, in decibels, for the sound
being played.
Channel numbers are zero-indexed. A monaural signal, or the left channel
of a stereo signal, has channel number 0.
A return value of 0 dB indicates full scale, or maximum power; a return
value of –160 dB indicates minimum power (that is, near silence). If the
signal provided to the audio player exceeds ±full scale, then the return
value may exceed 0 (that is, it may enter the positive range).}
function avgPwrForChannel(newValue:LongWord): Double; message 'averagePowerForChannel:';
{Returns the peak power for a given channel, in decibels, for the sound
being played.
Channel numbers are zero-indexed. A monaural signal, or the left channel
of a stereo signal, has channel number 0.
A return value of 0 dB indicates full scale, or maximum power; a return
value of –160 dB indicates minimum power (that is, near silence). If the
signal provided to the audio player exceeds ±full scale, then the return
value may exceed 0 (that is, it may enter the positive range).}
function peakPwrForChannel(newValue:LongWord): Double; message 'peakPowerForChannel:';
procedure setDelegate(newValue: AVAudioPlayerDelegateProtocol); message 'setDelegate:';
function delegate: AVAudioPlayerDelegateProtocol; message 'delegate';
AVAudioPlayerDelegateProtocol = objcprotocol external name 'AVAudioPlayerDelegate' (NSObjectProtocol)
procedure audioPlayerDidFinishPlaying_successfully (player: AVAudioPlayer; flag: ObjCBOOL); message 'audioPlayerDidFinishPlaying:successfully:';
procedure audioPlayerDecodeErrorDidOccur_error (player: AVAudioPlayer; error: NSError); message 'audioPlayerDecodeErrorDidOccur:error:';
{ TMyDelegate }
TMyDelegate = objcclass(NSObject, AVAudioPlayerDelegateProtocol)
procedure audioPlayerDidFinishPlaying_successfully(player: AVAudioPlayer; flag: ObjCBOOL); message 'audioPlayerDidFinishPlaying:successfully:';
//procedure audioPlayerDecodeErrorDidOccur_error(player: AVAudioPlayer; error: NSError); message 'audioPlayerDecodeErrorDidOccur:error:';
TForm1 = class(TForm)
DurationLabel: TLabel;
Timer1: TTimer;
TitleLabel: TLabel;
ResumeButton: TButton;
StopButton: TButton;
PauseButton: TButton;
PlayButton: TButton;
TrackBar1: TTrackBar;
procedure PauseButtonClick(Sender: TObject);
procedure PlayButtonClick(Sender: TObject);
procedure ResumeButtonClick(Sender: TObject);
procedure StopButtonClick(Sender: TObject);
procedure Timer1Update(Sender: TObject);
Form1: TForm1;
MyAudioPlayer : AVAudioPlayer = Nil;
fileDuration: NSTimeInterval = 0;
myDelegate: TMyDelegate = Nil;
{$R *.lfm}
procedure TMyDelegate.audioPlayerDidFinishPlaying_successfully(player: AVAudioPlayer; flag: ObjCBool);
if(flag) then
// Set button states
Form1.PlayButton.Enabled := True;
Form1.PauseButton.Enabled := False;
Form1.ResumeButton.Enabled := False;
Form1.StopButton.Enabled := False;
// Play audio procedure
procedure PlayAudio(audioFileName : NSString; numberOfLoops: Integer);
path: NSString;
url : NSURL;
err : NSError;
// Path to your application bundle's resource directory
// with the filename appended
path := NSBundle.mainBundle.resourcePath.stringByAppendingPathComponent(audioFileName);
url := NSURL.fileURLWithPath(path);
// Setup audio player with file
MyAudioPlayer := AVAudioPlayer.alloc.initWithContentsOfURL_error(url, @err);
// Setup labels
Form1.TitleLabel.Caption := 'Audio filename: Minuet in G.mp3';
Form1.DurationLabel.Caption := 'Duration: ' + FloatToStr(Trunc(MyAudioPlayer.duration)) + ' seconds';
// Setup delegate
myDelegate := TMyDelegate.alloc.init;
// Setup and play
if Assigned(MyAudioPlayer) then
Form1.TrackBar1.Max := Trunc(MyAudioPlayer.duration);
Form1.Timer1.Enabled := True;
// Use the Applications > Utilities > Console application to find error messages
NSLog(NSStr('Error in procedure PlayAudio(): %@'), err);
procedure TForm1.PlayButtonClick(Sender: TObject);
// Destroy the existing audio player if any before
// creating another in PlayAudio procedure
if Assigned(MyAudioPlayer) then
MyAudioPlayer := Nil;
// Set button states
PlayButton.Enabled := False;
ResumeButton.Enabled := False;
PauseButton.Enabled := True;
StopButton.Enabled := True;
// Play audio file located in your application bundle Resources directory
// This particular demo file can be found on your Mac (up to Mojave) at:
// /Applications/ in G.mp3
// and should be copied to your application bundle Resources directory.
PlayAudio(NSStr('Minuet in G.mp3'), 0);
// Pause audio
procedure TForm1.PauseButtonClick(Sender: TObject);
if(MyAudioPlayer.isPlaying) then
// Stop timer updating track bar
Timer1.Enabled := False;
// Set button states
PlayButton.Enabled := False;
PauseButton.Enabled := False;
ResumeButton.Enabled := True;
StopButton.Enabled := False;
// Resume audio
procedure TForm1.ResumeButtonClick(Sender: TObject);
// Note: This will restart the audio where it left off after a pause
// unless audio has been reset to zero
// Do not create yet another audio player by calling PlayAudio() again :-)
if(MyAudioPlayer.currentTime <> 0) then
// Re-start timer updating track bar
Timer1.Enabled := True;
// Set button states
PlayButton.Enabled := False;
ResumeButton.Enabled := False;
PauseButton.Enabled := True;
StopButton.Enabled := True;
// Stop audio
procedure TForm1.StopButtonClick(Sender: TObject);
// if playing then stop, otherwise ignore
if(MyAudioPlayer.IsPlaying) then
MyAudioPlayer.stop; // audio can still be resumed, so...
MyAudioPlayer.setCurrentTime(0); // reset audio to start
// Set button states
PlayButton.Enabled := True;
PauseButton.Enabled := False;
ResumeButton.Enabled := False;
StopButton.Enabled := False;
// Stop timer, reset trackbar position and duration
Timer1.Enabled := False;
TrackBar1.Position := 0;
DurationLabel.Caption := 'Duration: ' + FloatToStr(Trunc(MyAudioPlayer.duration)) + ' seconds';
procedure TForm1.Timer1Update(Sender: TObject);
// Update trackbar pos and duration
TrackBar1.Position := Trunc(MyAudioPlayer.currentTime);
DurationLabel.Caption := 'Duration: ' + FloatToStr(Trunc(MyAudioPlayer.Duration - MyAudioPlayer.currentTime)) + ' seconds';
// Cleanup
If (Assigned (MyAudioPlayer)) then
MyAudioPlayer := Nil;
The full project source code for this application is available from SourceForge.
See also
- System Sound Services
- macOS Audio Recorder
- macOS Video Player - also plays audio (especially streaming audio).
- macOS MIDI Player
- macOS NSSound
- macOS Sound Utilities
- Multimedia Programming